
SafeHouse is a 501©3 non-profit United Way organization providing critical domestic and sexual violence response, prevention, and intervention programs for the communities of Shelby, Coosa, Clay, and Chilton Counties in Central Alabama.

SafeHouse offers free and confidential services that are designed for the individual needs of each survivor.

SafeHouse provides residential and non-residential services for ALL survivors of domestic and sexual violence (and their dependents), regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, sex, marital status, disability, immigration status, education, residency, or socio-economic status.  This includes female, male and LGBTQAI+ identifying persons.

Together we can save lives, build hope, and end violence.

Please contact our 24-Hour Crisis Line to speak with a trained advocate: (205) 669-7233 (SAFE)

SafeHouse 5k Run Sponsors



Bringing Hope Invite

Thank you to all who made this
magical night an amazing one!

About us

Message from Executive Director

Imagine what it is like to live in fear every minute of your life, even while you’re sleeping. Imagine having to constantly worry about the safety of yourself, your children, and your family. Imagine if you were told every day that you aren’t worth anything, that you aren’t deserving of help. Imagine not knowing there is a way out and the darkness of fear, shame, and guilt surrounding you.

Domestic violence is a famously silent crime. No one wants to talk about it or believe that it happens but 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been victims of some form of physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. We received more than 2,500 calls to our crisis line last year, provided emergency shelter to nearly 300 victims and their children, and more than 600 victims received services through our community outreach services and SafeShelby Sexual Assault Services facility. READ MORE.

Who We Are

History and Mission

Board of Directors

Annual Report/990

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